Mutual Prayer
Mutual Prayer
2 Thessalonians 3:1-5
Speaker's Picture
Sunday School,  July 14, 2013

Any believer who seeks to serve the Lord will discover hindrance by the enemy of our souls. The ministry was very difficult in Corinth (Acts 18) and the Apostle Paul asks the saints in the church at Thessalonica to pray for those involved in the ministry among the Corinthian people. Paul desires them to pray that what God did in Thessalonica would be accomplished in Corinth as well. Mutual prayer is the title of this lesson because the paragraph begins with Paul asking for prayer from the saints at Thessalonica and ends with Paul praying for them. It is just as urgent that we regularly pray for one another as we seek to serve Christ.

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The Prayers of Nehemiah
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Blessed Are The Meek - 2

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