Placing our faith wholly in the Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation, believing in the Articles of our Doctrinal Statement, and accepting the responsibilities of our Church Covenant we, therefore, band ourselves together as a body of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, adopt for our government, for our plan of worship, and for our service, the following articles:
The name of this church shall be The Bethany Bible Church, Inc. of Hendersonville, North Carolina Independent Baptist. We are Independent and Baptist in doctrine. The corporate officers are as follows: President—Chairman of the Board; Secretary—Clerk of the Church; Treasurer—Treasurer of the Church.
The Bethany Bible Church, Inc. of Hendersonville, North Carolina Independent Baptist shall be organized exclusively for religious, charitable, and educational purposes. The purpose of the church shall be to maintain public prayer and worship services; to study and teach the Bible; to preach the gospel of Christ in order to reach the lost; to maintain a Christian witness at home and abroad; to administer the New Testament ordinances; and to maintain the divine blueprint as delineated in Acts 2:37-44.
Section I. This church shall remain an Independent Baptist Church, shall acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as its only head, and shall not be subject to the control of any outside ecclesiastical organization. Section II. The government of Bethany Bible Church, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, shall be vested in the body of believers who compose the membership, hereafter referred to in this document as “the church.” Their majority vote shall be final. Each member who has reached the age of sixteen years is entitled to vote in church business meetings. Active members who are absent due to illness, business, vacation, or some other appropriate reason (interpreted by the pastor[s]) are entitled to vote by absentee ballot. Section III. In electing an administrative board composed of pastors and deacons, the church shall commit to their care the immediate ministry needs.
Section I. Every candidate for membership in this church shall profess salvation by grace through repentance and faith in Christ alone. He shall also indicate willingness to obey the commands and ordinances of Christ, and furthermore to consent to the doctrinal statement, covenant, by-laws of this church. Section II. Persons may be received into church membership in one of the following ways: by profession of faith and baptism by immersion or by restoration upon repentance following their removal of membership through church discipline. Any person desiring membership must understand the doctrinal statement, covenant, and by-laws. The candidate shall then meet with the pastor(s) and deacons. The pastors and deacons shall recommend the candidate to the church after they are satisfied with the candidate’s confession of Christ alone for salvation, consent to the doctrinal statement and covenant, and willingness to be obedient to Christ. When all these conditions are met, the candidate shall then be received by a majority vote of the members, at which point they shall relinquish their membership in other churches. Section III. Members are to share actively in the financial, prayer, and ministry needs of the fellowship. Section IV. Members shall endeavor to preserve the unity of the church. If at any time they find themselves opposed to the the church doctrinal statement, or if for any reason they are unable to harmonize with others, they will not seek to disrupt the church’s fellowship but will quietly seek to be withdrawn from its membership (see Article 4.VI). Section V. Associate Membership. Students and others temporarily residing in the Hendersonville, N.C., area who are members of a like-minded church may apply for associate membership. Qualifications are identical to those for full membership as set out above, except that their home church membership must be retained. A letter of commendation will be sought from the applicant’s home church. Duties and privileges of associate members are the same as for other members except that: (1) when absent from the Hendersonville, N.C., area for extended periods of time they are released from their responsibility to attend our church services; and (2) while they will be encouraged to participate in church business meetings, they will not be eligible to stand for any office or to vote. Termination of associate membership as a disciplinary measure will be as it is for other members, except that the pastors will notify the pastor or elders of the home church of that termination. Associate membership will normally terminate immediately upon the ending of the period of temporary residence in the Hendersonville, N.C., area. Section VI. The church shall recognize the termination of a person’s membership following his or her death, and may do so after he or she has voluntarily resigned or joined with another church. Membership may also be terminated as an act of church discipline upon the two-thirds majority vote of the members present at any regular or special meetings of the members. The church shall have the authority to refuse a member’s voluntarily resignation or transfer of membership to another church, either for the purpose of proceeding with a process of church discipline or upon the recommendation of the pastor(s). Any member in good standing may request a letter of transfer of membership. All such requests shall be handled by the pastor(s) or deacon(s). Section VII. Any member who shall fail to attend the church for six months without a satisfactory reason (interpreted by the pastor[s]) will be placed on the inactive list. Inactive members are not permitted to vote. An active status is restored by attending three consecutive Sundays. Section VIII. The ministry of the church shall be a healing, restoring ministry. Members overtaken in any trespass are to be restored in the gentle and humble spirit of Matt 18:15-20; Gal 6:1-2; and Heb 10:24-25. This restoring ministry is to remain as private as the situation demands. If after private admonition a member persists in living contrary to the teachings of Scripture, such as those outlined in the doctrinal statement, covenant, and by-laws, that member shall come under the public discipline of the church, following the path delineated in Matt 18:15-17; 1 Cor 5; and 2 Thess 3. The purpose of church discipline should be for the repentance, reconciliation, and spiritual growth of the individual disciplined (1 Cor 4:14; 5:5; 2 Cor 2:5-11; Gal 6:1-5); for the instruction in righteousness and good of other Christians, as an example to them (Rom 15:14; 1 Cor 5:11; 15:33; Col 3:16); for the purity of the church as a whole (1 Cor 5:6-7; 2 Cor 13:10); for the good of our corporate witness to non-Christians (Matt 5:13-16; John 13:35; Eph 5:11); and ultimately for the glory of God in demonstrating his holiness (2 Cor 6:14-17; Eph 1:4; 5:27; 1 Pet 2:12). When it becomes necessary to separate from a member who persists in sin (1 Cor 5:1-13; 2 Thess 3:6-15), the church shall continue to admonish that member to repent and shall remain open to the possibility of restoring that member to fellowship.
Section I. Administrative Board. In electing an administrative board composed of pastor(s) and deacons, the church shall commit the immediate ministry needs into their care. The Administrative Board is directly responsible to the church. The Board shall elect its chairman (president). Board responsibilities include the following: maintaining safe-keeping of the deeds and official documents, appointing all committees to be approved by the church (all committees are responsible to the Board), preparing and administrating ordinances, planning for pulpit supply and special meetings, recommending ordination councils to the congregation, administrating the mission program, and overseeing the membership process.
Section II. Pastoral Staff. The members of the pastoral staff shall consist of the ‘senior pastor’, other regularly paid ‘pastors’, and ‘lay pastors.’ The senior pastor is distinguished from other pastors in that he is salaried by the church and exercises the primary pastoral leadership in the church and among the other pastors. All pastors, under the leadership of the senior pastor, have the sacred responsibility given by the Lord Jesus Christ of praying for the church, preaching and teaching the Word of God, overseeing the church, leading in public and private ministry, conducting the worship services, equipping the membership for the work of the ministry, admonishing and correcting error, overseeing discipline, and discipling church members. Pastors who are salaried must especially give themselves to these tasks, while lay pastors assist in these duties as they are able. All pastors will meet regularly in order to pray for the church and to attend to the spiritual direction and health of the body.
Call or Dismissal of Pastors. A pastor is called by a three-fourths vote of the church, and will continue as long as both parties are agreed. When calling or dismissing a pastor, the church shall be called into a special business meeting by the other pastors and the deacons. An announcement will be given at least two Sunday morning services prior to the said meeting. A two-week notice shall be given to the church by a pastor when he plans to resign. A two-week notice shall be given by the church when they are planning to dismiss a pastor, except when he is accused of apostasy, heresy, or departure from the doctrines of the church, in which case he shall be given a fair and proper hearing by the other pastors and deacon board and, if convicted, the pastors and deacons shall recommend action to the church for his dismissal.
Remuneration and Benefits of Pastors. A pastor’s salary and benefits are recommended by the deacons as part of the annual budget and determined by a vote of the church. Salaried pastors shall be paid weekly and shall be allowed two weeks’ vacation with pay per year. After serving the third year, the deacon board will review salaried pastors’ current permitted vacation time and present to the church for their approval any recommendations for change. All other absences, other than sickness or death in the family, shall be approved by the deacon board.
The Pastor’s Qualifications. A pastor shall meet the biblical qualifications set forth for his office in 1 Tim 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9, being above reproach in the sight of those in the church and in the community. A pastor shall be faithful to his wife, serious-minded, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, sober, patient, peaceable, and free from greed. His children shall be obedient, respectful, and give evidence that they are being led by their father in the Christian faith. He shall give evidence of seasoned experience in his personal walk with Christ and shall be able and qualified to teach sound doctrine as well as to carry out his other pastoral duties. He shall also maintain a good testimony with those outside the church, including a good testimony regarding his personal finances. Moreover, the pastor shall take heed unto himself (Acts 20:28), shepherd the flock (Acts 20:28; 1 Thess 5:12; 1 Tim 3:5; 1 Pet 5:2-3), and combat false teachers (Acts 20:30; Titus 1:9).
Lay pastors. We believe that the church should both recognize those men who are qualified and gifted to serve as pastors and submit to them as such. Nominees for lay pastors shall come from the pastoral staff; members are encouraged to identify men in the congregation who meet the qualifications of pastor and to suggest them to the staff. Nominees for lay pastors are elected to a three-year term at the annual business meeting and are eligible for re-election. Lay pastors may not serve simultaneously as deacons and pastors. They shall begin their term of service on the first of January. The election and dismissal of a lay pastor shall follow the guidelines for any other pastor set above.
Section III. Deacons. Deacons share with the pastor(s) the total needs of the congregation and relieve those needs as they are able. The church is to be constantly examining and testing the members of the church so that when a need arises, they know what members are qualified for appointment to the office of deacon (1 Tim 3:10). Nominees for the office are elected to a three-year term at the annual business meeting and are eligible for re-election. They shall begin their term on January 1. Should the church elect to add additional members to the deacon office during the course of any year then the deacons shall take office immediately after an affirmative vote. The deacons shall meet the qualifications set forth for their office in 1 Tim 3:8-13, being above reproach. Deacons shall be dignified, honest, sober, free from greed, and able to be examples of the Christian faith with a clear conscience. Their wives shall also be faithful, dignified, not slanderers, serious-minded. Deacons shall be faithful to their wives and nurture their own children in respect and obedience to the Christian faith. In addition to their board responsibilities, deacons shall have the further duties of considering the needs of the pastor(s) and making recommendations for remuneration to the church. All nominees for the office of deacon must meet the board’s approval prior to being considered by the church.
Section I. All church meetings shall begin with the reading of Scripture and prayer. Section II. At least one-third of the active membership must be present before business will be transacted. All votes must pass with a two-thirds majority except a vote to table a motion which requires a simple majority. At least two-thirds of the active membership must be present to conduct business which involves the sale of the building. Section III. Any active member may request that ballots be used in any vote. Section IV. The church year shall run from January 1 through December 31. The annual business meeting shall be held by the first Sunday in December. The announcement of the date for the annual business meeting must be made at least two weeks in advance during a Sunday morning service and then posted on a bulletin board. Section V. The pastor(s) or deacons may ask the church to vote upon the membership of a candidate in connection with any public meeting of the church (see Article 4), unless a termination of membership by means of church discipline is under consideration (see Article 4.VIII). Otherwise, special business meetings of the church may be called by the board as the need may arise. A two-week announcement must be made in a preaching service prior to the said meeting. In the event of an emergency, if a two-week notice cannot be given, every effort will be made to inform as early as possible all qualified voters. Section VI. When matters pertaining to the pastor(s) and/or his immediate family are under consideration, he and his family shall be excused during that consideration. The same shall be true when other specific individuals are being considered.
Section I. Property Committee. The church shall elect property committee members whose terms last three years. They are to be members who exemplify Christian conduct and who regularly attend services. They shall acquaint themselves with the laws of North Carolina pertaining to churches and church properties and see that the church faithfully complies therewith. Any necessary and emergency repairs are to be cared for whenever needed. They shall be authorized to hire and supervise people to take care of the maintenance and upkeep of the church buildings and property. They shall recommend the salaries to the church for approval. Section II. Music Committee. The music committee shall assist the pastor(s) in guiding the music program of the church. The music committee is elected at the annual business meeting for a one-year term and is eligible for re-election. Section III. Youth Committee. The youth committee shall assist the pastor(s) and youth leaders in maintaining and effective youth program. The youth committee is elected at the annual business meeting for a one-year term and is eligible for re-election. Section IV. Nominating Committee. A nominating committee of at least five members shall be established as follows. The pastor, one deacon elected by the deacons, and at least three members elected by the church at the annual business meeting. The committee shall act for a period of one year or until a successive committee is elected. They shall nominate officers to be elected by the church. Section V. Pulpit Committee. The deacons shall be responsible to question candidates for the pulpit. They shall do so in regard to doctrines, practices, and affiliations, and prior to the church’s voting on the candidate. The chairman of the board shall then read the recommendation to the church. The church shall also have an opportunity to question the candidates. If they so desire, the church may add members to the pulpit committee. Section VI. Finance Committee. The finance committee shall be responsible for the development and presentation of an annual budget to the church. Upon the church’s approval the budget shall be administered under the Finance Committee’s care. The budget shall be presented to the administrative board for their approval prior to its submission to the church at the annual meeting. Section VII. Missions Committee. The missions committee shall be responsible to assist the pastor(s) and deacon(s) in the oversight of the church’s missionaries and missions support. The missions committee is elected at the annual business meeting for a one-year term and is eligible for re-election.
Section I. Water Baptism. We believe immersion to be the New Testament mode of baptism and that it should be administered under the authority of the local church upon the personal acceptance and public confession of Christ as Savior. Baptism in our church, therefore, shall be only by immersion. We believe Christ Himself established and commended the ordinance to symbolize the believer’s death to the old life of sin and his spiritual resurrection to the new life in Christ (Acts 2:4; 8:12; 9:18; 10:47-48; Rom 6:3-6). Section II. The Lord's Supper. The Lord’s Supper (Communion, the Lord’s Table) is the biblical commemoration of Christ’s death for our sins and the church’s expression of union with Him and with each other until He returns; thus, it should be preceded always by serious self-examination. The Lord’s Supper shall be administered under the authority of the local church. The Table is not a denominational Table; we invite anyone to participate who has been genuinely saved through repentance and faith in the death and resurrection of Christ and who is walking in obedience to the Lord (1 Cor 10:16-17; 11:23-30).
Section I. The financial policy of the church and all its auxiliaries shall be that of voluntary giving.
Section I. In case the church dissolves, properties (not otherwise directed) shall be sold and the money used for missionary work. This shall be determined by the remaining members.
Section I. These articles and by-laws may be amended or changed by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership at any business meeting of the church. Previous notice of change or changes should be given in writing two Sundays prior to the said meeting.