Recent Sermons

       Displaying available sermons and lessons between May 18, 2024 and June 29, 2024.  For more, use Sermon Search.

Marriage and Divorce
Mark 10:1-12
Speaker's Picture
Sunday Morning Service,  June 16, 2024

In an attempt to discredit Jesus and alienate him from the crowds, the Pharisees question him about the emotionally charged topic of divorce. Instead of getting caught up in all of the debates of the day, Jesus takes them back to the scriptural model for marriage and the authority of God under which it was instituted.

The Seriousness of Sin
Mark 9:42-50
Speaker's Picture
Sunday Morning Service,  June 9, 2024

Jesus' instructions to his disciples includes an extreme picture of the seriousness of sin. As his disciples, we are responsible to live our lives in such a way that they do not cause others to fall into sin. Sin must be dealt with in a drastic way because it destroys lives and condemns men to hell.

The Road of Discipleship
Mark 9:30-50
Speaker's Picture
Sunday Morning Service,  June 2, 2024

Jesus will spend a large portion of the last part of his ministry teaching his disciples. One of the most important lessons will be that of humble service. The greatest obstacle to this lesson is that most of us are not as interested in serving as in being served, in giving as in receiving, in pursuing God's way as in getting our own way, in being the least as in being the greatest.

How Strong Is Your Faith
Mark 9:14-29
Speaker's Picture
Sunday Morning Service,  May 26, 2024

How strong is your faith? Your faith will be tested by the trials and difficulties of life. When your faith is tested, where will you turn? Will you turn in dependent prayer to your Lord for the spiritual strength that you need or will you try to deal with things in your own wisdom and power?

The Transfiguration
Mark 9:2-13
Speaker's Picture
Sunday Morning Service,  May 19, 2024

Jesus' declaration that as the Messiah he must suffer, die, be buried, and rise from the dead left his disciples confused and dismayed. They were anticipating the beginning of a glorious kingdom led by their Messiah. Jesus death did not figure into their plans. God would use the Transfiguration to get their attention and give them a brief look at the glory and majesty of Jesus.