The Gospel of Peace
The Gospel of Peace
Isaiah 52:7
Speaker's Picture
Wednesday Evening Service,  December 15, 2010

In Isaiah’s day, the nation of Judah had little to cling to that would make them feel secure. Politically they were a weak player on the world’s stage. Militarily they were at the mercy of larger empires, especially Assyria who had already devastated and took into exile the northern tribes of Israel. And spiritually they were warned by the LORD that He would judge them for their sin. Nevertheless, Isaiah offers the nation hope through God’s promise that He will not abandon His people but ultimately deliver and establish them. In this text, the celebration of God’s promised deliverance begins as a messenger comes running with good news from the battle. His message for the city of Jerusalem is the same that we rejoice in today

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The Holy Spirit and the Last Days – Part 1
The Hyperbolic Virtue of the Church
Stirring Up Spiritual Memory – Part 3

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To Us a Son Is Given
The Existence of God - Part 3
The Existence of God - Part 2
The Existence of God - Part 1
In Times of Uncertainty
Grieving the Holy Spirit – Part 3