The Eyewitnesses of Christmas: The Shepherds
The Eyewitnesses of Christmas: The Shepherds
Luke 2:8-20
Speaker's Picture
Sunday Morning Service,  December 22, 2013

Luke bases his Gospel on eyewitness testimony—the witness of those who saw and heard and knew Jesus as he lived and ministered among his people (Luke 1:2). Though Mary is likely the primary eyewitness in chapters 1 and 2, Luke also includes other witnesses: Zechariah, Elizabeth, Joseph, the shepherds, Simeon, and Anna. As we give careful attention to their stories, we too behold the coming of the Christ child, and rejoice with them at the wonder of God’s great salvation. To the Shepherds, some of the most unlikely witnesses, the angels appeared, scattering them to witness and proclaim the wonder of the Savior’s birth.

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