Watching and Waiting
Watching and Waiting
Luke 12:35-48
Speaker's Picture
Sunday School,  May 21, 2017

Every genuine believer is a servant of God. Watching and waiting is a familiar theme with at least three of the parables of Jesus. As God’s servants, we are expected to be faithfully doing our work when our Lord returns. Not only does Jesus teach us concerning the certainty of His return at an unexpected moment, but there is a strong implication in the parable that His servants will continue serving for an unspecified time before that return. This describes the period of time in which we are living now and until that moment, every believer ought to be longing for it to take place (Titus 2:13; Revelation 22:20) and loving it (II Timothy 4:8). Those who love the Lord will be prepared and ready for it to take place.

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