Our Sinful World
Our Sinful World
1 John 2:15-17
Speaker's Picture
Sunday School,  June 28, 2015

So many sermons have been preached on this text and youth pastors have used it over and over again with their young people and yet there is usually one thing missing. It is seldom mentioned what the world is and if there is an explanation, it usually boils down to behavior instead of belief, activities as opposed to a system or philosophy. We are told not to love the world and yet we are told in Scripture that God loves the world of people and sent His Son to save it (John 3:16; 4:42; 6:51; I John 2:2). Obviously, there are some different shades of meaning as to what the word "world" means and John provides more than one sense in his writings

Other Lessons by George Stiekes

The Prayers of Habakkuk
The Prayers of Nehemiah
The Theology of Prayer
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Blessed Are the Merciful
Blessed Are The Meek - 2

Other Lessons in 1 John

Love One Another
Hope in the Midst of Darkness
Tying Up Loose Ends
The Witness of God
Overcomers in Christ
Salvation by Grace Alone - What Are You Trusting?