The Coming of the Greeks
The Coming of the Greeks
John 12:20-36
Speaker's Picture
Sunday School,  August 31, 2014

This passage is a major transition passage for both 1) the ministry of Jesus Christ and 2) in the makeup of the Church of Jesus Christ. The title refers to the truth that God's great plan of salvation is not any longer just for the Jews but also for Gentiles and this is what opened the door for the Church of Jesus Christ. The other transition is found in the words of Jesus in verse 23, "The hour is come." Up to this moment it was impossible for the Jewish leaders to seize and kill Him. In each attempt, Jesus said, "Mine hour is not yet come" (John 2:4; 7:30; 8:20). It is interesting that Gentiles came to Christ to worship Him at the time of His birth and here they come to Him just prior to his death. They may have surmised that Jesus was the promised King of the Jews even as the Jewish people were rejecting Him.

Other Lessons by George Stiekes

The Prayers of Habakkuk
The Prayers of Nehemiah
The Theology of Prayer
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Blessed Are the Merciful
Blessed Are The Meek - 2

Other Lessons in John

Love One Another
The King of the Kingdom
Practical Steps to Discipleship
Why Disciple?
The Theology of Prayer