Titus Conclusion
Titus Conclusion
Titus 3:12-15
Speaker's Picture
Sunday School,  January 12, 2014

The Apostle Paul concludes his epistle with an invitation to Titus to join him in Nicopolis. He sends two appointees, Artemas and Tychicus to be interim pastors on Crete while Titus is away. Then he gives one more reminder of what has been a major theme in the epistle - "maintain good works." As the pastor, Titus must model good works before the people (Titus 2:7). Titus 2:14 reveals one of the purposes why God saved us - that we might be "zealous of good works," always looking to perform them. We are to be "ready to every good work" in Titus 3:1 and again, we are to "maintain good works" in Titus 3:8. We need to remember that we are to be like Christ and Acts 10:38 states that He went about doing good

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