George Stiekes
George Stiekes
Mark 10:23-31
Speaker's Picture
Sunday Morning Service,  July 7, 2013

The rich young ruler appeared to have everything, but Jesus said that one thing was lacking - he did not have a living faith in God. His response to Christ’s command revealed that money was his god. He trusted what money could do for him, worshiped it and even found fulfillment from it. It not only robbed him of eternal life, it kept him from being a disciple of Christ. For the love of money is the root of all evil (I Timothy 6:10). Money and possessions cannot take care of anyone. We will leave it all behind when we leave this earth. We must recognize that God can look after our welfare both now and in glory eternally (Matthew 6:33).

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The Prayers of Nehemiah
The Theology of Prayer
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Blessed Are the Merciful
Blessed Are The Meek - 2

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Marriage and Divorce
The Seriousness of Sin
The Road of Discipleship
How Strong Is Your Faith
The Transfiguration