The Conscience and the Christian Life
The Conscience and the Christian Life
Romans 2:14-16; 1 Timothy 4:2; Titus 1:15; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Romans 14:5, 8, 12
Speaker's Picture
Wednesday Evening Service,  October 17, 2012

The human conscience provides internal evidence of our creation and of our Creator. Historically, people have recognized that they have a conscience that somehow communicates to them the difference between right and wrong. Historically, people who did not have the Law of God demonstrated their conscience at work when they automatically did those things which were contained in God’s Law. Romans 2:14-16 reveals that the Law was written in their hearts. In our study, we will recognize that the conscience is not enough to cause us to always make right decisions. In fact, it is a grave mistake to let your conscience be your guide since what comes out of it is largely determined by what we put into it – just like a computer.

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