Principles from Proverbial Sayings
Principles from Proverbial Sayings
Mark 4:21-25
Speaker's Picture
Sunday Morning Service,  June 17, 2012

The Bible is unlike any other book because its author speaks through it right to the soul so that its message is easily understood and applied. But this is a conditional statement based on whether or not we have ears to hear and eyes to see what the Spirit of God wants to reveal to us. Hearing and seeing will be dependent upon whether or not you truly love God and His Word and whether or not you are willing to obey its precepts.

Other Lessons by George Stiekes

The Prayers of Habakkuk
The Prayers of Nehemiah
The Theology of Prayer
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Blessed Are the Merciful
Blessed Are The Meek - 2

Other Lessons in Mark

What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?
Marriage and Divorce
The Seriousness of Sin
The Road of Discipleship
How Strong Is Your Faith
The Transfiguration