The Healing of the Paralytic
The Healing of the Paralytic
Mark 2:1-12
Speaker's Picture
Sunday Morning Service,  February 19, 2012

Jesus could have focused His entire ministry healing the sick, casting out demons, and feeding people.  While many today focus on those ministries, that was not the reason for His coming to this earth.  He purposely chooses a paralyzed man to reveal the purpose of His mission.

Other Lessons by George Stiekes

The Prayers of Habakkuk
The Prayers of Nehemiah
The Theology of Prayer
Blessed Are the Pure in Heart
Blessed Are the Merciful
Blessed Are The Meek - 2

Other Lessons in Mark

What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?
Marriage and Divorce
The Seriousness of Sin
The Road of Discipleship
How Strong Is Your Faith
The Transfiguration