The Church's Privilege in a Hostile World
The Church's Privilege in a Hostile World
1 Peter 2:4-10
Speaker's Picture
Sunday School,  June 14, 2009

This passage brings us to the climax of a section that has encouraged us to stand firm in the light of our great salvation. There are no commands in this passage. Peter wants us to focus entirely on our great privilege as God's people as he prepares to get to the main application.

Other Lessons by Steve Diachenko

Understanding the Times
Build My House
1 Thessalonians 3:1-5
Authentic Ministry
Psalm Two
Dealing with Temptation

Other Lessons in 1 Peter

Distinctive Christianity
Priesthood of the Believer – Part 2
Priesthood of the Believer – Part 1
Partakers of Christ's Suffering
Preparation for Suffering
How Do We Use Evidence? Part 2