The Word Became Flesh – Part 1
The Word Became Flesh – Part 1
Hebrews 2:5-14
Speaker's Picture
Sunday Morning Service,  March 7, 2010

In Hebrews chapter 2, He who was “so much better than the angels” (1:4) is now “made a little lower than the angels” (2:9). This statement is a reference to the humanity of Christ, leaving the author of Hebrews to explain the purpose of the incarnation. Why did the Son of God have to become a human being? Chapter 2 provides us with at least four answers.

Other Lessons by Greg Stiekes

Evangelical Feminism and the Interpretation of Scripture
Biblical Gender Roles and the Rise of Feminism
The Holy Spirit and the Last Days – Part 2
The Holy Spirit and the Last Days – Part 1
The Hyperbolic Virtue of the Church
Stirring Up Spiritual Memory – Part 3

Other Lessons in Hebrews

The Prayers of Nehemiah
The Believer's Life of Faith
A Sacrifice of Praise
A Prayer for Perfection
Final Admonitions