An Introduction to Chronicles
An Introduction to Chronicles
1 - 2 Chronicles
Speaker's Picture
Sunday School,  January 10, 2010

Many people feel that Chronicles is a difficult book to read. After all, why read more of the same history after having read Samuel and Kings. Is Chronicles simply a repeat of those other books or an attempt to fill in the gaps? Or, is Chronicles a distinct book with a distinct message? We will find that the book of Chronicles is indeed a relevant book both to its original audience and to the N.T. church. This book is God's word to us.

Other Lessons by Steve Diachenko

Understanding the Times
Build My House
1 Thessalonians 3:1-5
Authentic Ministry
Psalm Two
Dealing with Temptation

Other Lessons in 1 -

Esther - Lesson 8
Esther - Lesson 6
Jesus in Complete Control
When Things Get Worse
God with Us
The Divine Pattern of Obedience and Blessing - Part 1