The Anatomy of a Psalm: Lessons from Psalm 3
The Anatomy of a Psalm: Lessons from Psalm 3
Psalm 3
Speaker's Picture
Sunday School,  October 12, 2008

David cries out in desperation, declares His dependence on God an rejoices in God's deliverance. In the midst of great heartache, (betrayal by his son and closest friends) David is still able to be at peace because of His reliance on God's character.

Other Lessons by Matt Herbster

A Single-minded Focus
Love the Brethren
Biblical Handling of Anger
The Power of God
Perspective in Suffering
Life Equals ?

Other Lessons in Psalms

The Great King-Priest
The Theology of Prayer
Blessed Are They That Mourn
The Reality of God's Rule
Happy New Year
The Existence of God - Part 3