Clothing Ourselves with Christ – Part 2
Clothing Ourselves with Christ – Part 2
Colossians 3:8-14
Speaker's Picture
Sunday Morning Service,  September 14, 2008

Because of what Christ has done for us through His death and resurrection, believers in Him are in the process of removing like a garment “old man” behaviors, and clothing themselves with “new man” behaviors, behaviors that are sourced in the resurrected life of Christ. In the principle of exchanging the old for the new, there are at least three dynamics at work.

Other Lessons by Greg Stiekes

Evangelical Feminism and the Interpretation of Scripture
Biblical Gender Roles and the Rise of Feminism
The Holy Spirit and the Last Days – Part 2
The Holy Spirit and the Last Days – Part 1
The Hyperbolic Virtue of the Church
Stirring Up Spiritual Memory – Part 3

Other Lessons in Colossians

Paul's Greeting to the Colossian Believers
The Preeminence of Jesus Christ
The Preeminence of Jesus Christ
The Preeminence of Jesus Christ
Other Characters in Philemon
Offering the Blessing