Spiritual Homicide
Spiritual Homicide
Colossians 3:5-7
Speaker's Picture
Sunday Morning Service,  August 24, 2008

When Paul begins to apply his theology in practical terms, his first word to believers is, literally, “Kill the parts of your body.” This appears to be a radical solution to the issue of sin. But when we consider the larger context of the letter, we realize that this spiritual homicide logically flows from the apostle’s teaching about life in Christ, and is essential to our understanding of how to deal with sin. We realize the importance of Paul’s instruction through three observations.

Other Lessons by Greg Stiekes

Evangelical Feminism and the Interpretation of Scripture
Biblical Gender Roles and the Rise of Feminism
The Holy Spirit and the Last Days – Part 2
The Holy Spirit and the Last Days – Part 1
The Hyperbolic Virtue of the Church
Stirring Up Spiritual Memory – Part 3

Other Lessons in Colossians

Paul's Greeting to the Colossian Believers
The Preeminence of Jesus Christ
The Preeminence of Jesus Christ
The Preeminence of Jesus Christ
Other Characters in Philemon
Offering the Blessing