The Christian Use of the Tongue
The Christian Use of the Tongue
James 3:1-12
Speaker's Picture
Sunday School,  June 29, 2008

The human tongue is a little piece of flesh that can function like a lethal weapon. Although we may not realize it, all of us have the ability to do either great good or great evil with the words that roll off of our tongues. In James 3:1-12, the Apostle addresses the use of the tongue with this thesis in mind: genuine religion should exert a controlling influence over a person’s tongue. Replete with illustrative material that effectively drives home his point, in this section the Apostle James teaches us about the Christian use of the tongue.

Other Lessons by Richard Winston

Christian Love
Martin Luther's Theology of the Cross
Evangelizing Roman Catholics
Putting God First
Separated unto the Gospel
The Exclusivity of Salvation

Other Lessons in James

Pray for One Another
Practical Steps to Discipleship
James Wrap Up
Prayer Is God's Answer for Disillusioned Christians
Wrapping Up James – Part 3
Wrapping Up James – Part 2