The Foundation of a Christian Worldview
The Foundation of a Christian Worldview
Psalm 19; various texts
Speaker's Picture
Sunday School,  February 3, 2008

The heart desire of every Christian is to bring the Bible to bear on every issue of life. We desire to connect the Scriptures with where we live and process life biblically. The ability to do that begins with answering fundamental questions about the Bible’s reliability. In this lesson, Richard Winston seeks to answer two major questions: “How do I know that the Bible is the Word of God?” and “How do I know that I have the Bible?”

Other Lessons by Richard Winston

Christian Love
Martin Luther's Theology of the Cross
Evangelizing Roman Catholics
Putting God First
Separated unto the Gospel
The Exclusivity of Salvation

Other Lessons in Psalms

The Great King-Priest
The Theology of Prayer
Blessed Are They That Mourn
The Reality of God's Rule
Happy New Year
The Existence of God - Part 3