Entering into Christ: Word
Entering into Christ: Word
Colossians 1:3-8
Speaker's Picture
Sunday Morning Service,  October 21, 2007

In this first section of Paul’s letter to the Colossians, he thanks God the Father for their entry into Christ, which is predicated upon three essential elements: grace, Word, and faith. All three must be present in a person’s life for both spiritual birth and spiritual growth. This morning, we examine the second of these essential elements: word.

Other Lessons by Greg Stiekes

Evangelical Feminism and the Interpretation of Scripture
Biblical Gender Roles and the Rise of Feminism
The Holy Spirit and the Last Days – Part 2
The Holy Spirit and the Last Days – Part 1
The Hyperbolic Virtue of the Church
Stirring Up Spiritual Memory – Part 3

Other Lessons in Colossians

Paul's Greeting to the Colossian Believers
The Preeminence of Jesus Christ
The Preeminence of Jesus Christ
The Preeminence of Jesus Christ
Other Characters in Philemon
Offering the Blessing