The Meeting in the Air
The Meeting in the Air
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Speaker's Picture
Sunday Morning Service,  August 19, 2007

What we believe affects how we interpret the events of life. The Thessalonian Christians were ignorant about an important truth concerning the coming of Christ for His own. As such, they were experiencing the wrong kind of sorrow. Paul instructs them with God's revelation.

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A Diseased Heart
God's Righteous Judgment and the Persecutors
God's Righteous Judgment and the Persecuted
Paul's Benediction for the Thessalonians
Comfort Comes by Believing in the Rapture of the Saints

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A Healthy Outlook on Our Circumstances
Healthy Church Relationships with One Another
Healthy Church Relationships
Children of the Light
The Day of the Lord
Encourage One Another with These Words