The Gift of Forgiveness
The Gift of Forgiveness
Matthew 18:21-35
Speaker's Picture
Sunday Morning Service,  November 26, 2006

Peter asks, "How often should I be willing to be restored to my brother who sins against me?" Trying to justify himself and being generous in nature, he suggests forgiving up to seven times. But Peter's thinking is faulty. So Christ corrects Peter's mistake by saying that forgiveness should be extended 490 times! (i.e. infinitely!) Christ then gives a parable that teaches the following truth: If we have been infinitely forgiven by God, then we must infinitely forgive others.

Other Lessons by Steven Mock

The Maniac Who Became a Missionary
Giving Towards Missions

Other Lessons in Matthew

Two Important Ordinances
Being a "One Another" Christian - Part 2
Being a "One Another" Christian - Part 1
Parable of the Wheat and Weeds
Practical Steps to Discipleship
What Is Discipling?