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Sound Doctrine for a Healthy Church Community
Titus 2:1
Sunday Morning Service,  February 5, 2023

In Titus chapter 2, Paul shifts his focus from the leadership to the congregation. He emphasizes the importance of every believer’s involvement in the community life of the church. As he considers the role that each member of the church should play, Paul addresses the reality that sound doctrine must and will impact the behavior of every member of the body of Christ.
They Must Be Silenced
Titus 1:10-16
Sunday Morning Service,  January 29, 2023

Immediately after reminding Titus of the importance of the Word of God and sound doctrine, Paul warns about the dangers and necessary response to false teaching. Paul was concerned with setting things in order in Crete and establishing godly leadership to ensure the healthy growth of the church and the rejection of false teaching. False teachers must be silenced within the church by clinging to the trustworthy Word of God and rebuking them with the truth.
Qualifications for Leadership
Titus 1:5-9
Sunday Morning Service,  January 22, 2023

Church leaders are important because of whom they represent and because of what they are called to do by the Holy Spirit. As Titus is commissioned to establish elders in every town on the island of Crete, he is to keep in mind that God has a high standard for those who would serve in this capacity. Their character and conduct are important as they labor for the sake of the faith of God’s elect. Why is this the case and does it have any application for you?
For the Sake of the Faith of God's Elect - Part 2
Titus 1:1-4
Sunday Morning Service,  January 8, 2023

The Apostle Paul opens his letter to Titus with an assessment of who he is and how that impacts his life. He continues by discussing the focus of his life and the importance of the Word of God in all that he does. As we consider Paul's identity and life mission, how should that impact our perspectives and goals for ourselves in the coming year?
For the Sake of the Faith of God's Elect - Part 1
Titus 1:1-4
Sunday Morning Service,  January 1, 2023

Why did Paul write this letter to Titus? What was Titus doing on Crete? Why would Paul send Titus to Crete to work with such a difficult ministry? What was it that drove Paul to continually care for so many churches personally and through the men that he trained?