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Displaying available sermons and lessons between August 14, 2021 and September 25, 2021.  Use Sermon Search to find specific sermons.« »
Our Source of Hope
Romans 15:7-13
Sunday Morning Service,  September 5, 2021

As Paul brings not only the teaching on Christians getting along with each other to an end but also the doctrinal teaching of the entire book, his focus is on hope. What is the source of our hope regardless of the circumstances that we may be facing? How do we obtain that hope and maintain it in difficult circumstances?
Glorify God by Living in Unity
Romans 15:1-6
Sunday Morning Service,  August 29, 2021

How do we live our lives in such a way as to glorify God? Paul emphatically states that as Christians we glorify God when we live in harmony with one another. What does that look like in the church? How does this impact our daily living?
Pursuing Peace and Mutual Building Up
Romans 14:13-23
Sunday Morning Service,  August 22, 2021

Paul called us in Romans 12 to be a living sacrifice, serve others with our gifts in the church, and do this all in an attitude of genuine love and brotherly affection. What does this look like in our interaction with other believers, some whose standards are different than ours, on a day to day basis?
Living with Christians Who Differ from You
Romans 14:1-12
Sunday Morning Service,  August 15, 2021

How do you deal with believers who have different standards and opinions on things that are non-essentials for the faith? Do differences of opinion lead to divisions or is there a spirit of unity in spite of your differences?